The Living Doll: A WD Prompt

“While shopping downtown one day, you find an antiques store that has a rare, old doll. You buy it for your daughter. A few days later she tells you her new toy can talk. You don’t believe her, until one afternoon you find yourself alone in the house, and it starts talking to you. Write this scene.”
-Writer’s Digest Creative Writing Prompt: The Living Doll

My response:

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Your New Home: A WD Prompt

“Your spouse wants to move out of your new apartment, saying that there is a large space you both can move into. When you go to visit the new digs, you find it’s an abandoned warehouse at an old train yard. Clearly you can’t live there. Only your spouse just spent your life savings to buy it. What do you say?”
-Writer’s Digest Creative Writing Prompt: Your New Home

My response:

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The Journal: A WD Prompt

“Flipping through your library books for research, you find one of the books you incorrectly checked out. It’s a handwritten journal authored by someone you know. Who wrote it and what does it say?”
-Writer’s Digest Creative Writing Prompt: The Journal

My response:

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Garfield in Real Life: A WD Prompt

“You are trying to read the morning newspaper when your cat begins pawing at your leg. You brush it away, but it jumps on the table and begins meowing. Finally, the cat speaks. What does she say? Write this scene and what she is trying to tell you.”
-Writer’s Digest Creative Writing Prompt: Garfield in Real Life

My response:

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Your Arch Enemy: A WD Prompt

“Everyone has an arch enemy, but until now, you never knew who your enemy was. That all changed one grueling night when, while on vacation, your evening was ruined by your enemy. What’s more peculiar is that your enemy is a famous celebrity! Write about your evening, who your famous arch enemy is and what you did to redeem the night.”
-Writer’s Digest Creative Writing Prompt: Your Arch Enemy

My response:

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The Letter in the Alley: A WD Prompt

“Walking to catch the bus, you see a young boy look both ways before entering an alley. When you follow him into the alley, he has disappeared. Instead, there is a neatly folded note lying on the pavement. What does it say and how do you react?”
-Writer’s Digest Creative Writing Prompt: The Letter in the Alley

My response:

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The Post That Wasn’t There: A [sorta] WD Prompt

“You walk down the street, and suddenly stop next to a curiosity shop, transfixed by some odd glass bauble(s) in the window. You simply must have them, so you go in to purchase them. What are they? What happens next?”
-The Writer’s Digest Creative Writing Prompt That Isn’t There

Click here for a good time.

No, really… I wouldn’t steer you wrong, dear (mostly anonymous and unfortunately unwilling to comment) readership.

This week, Tuesday came without a Writer’s Digest Prompt, and we, the flock without our shepherd, ran astray.  I suggested we make our own prompts, and instead of seeing a flood of exercises, they took the one I posted (quoted above) and ran with it.

It’s a lot of reading, but… SO.  TOTALLY.  WORTH.  IT.

What are you still doing here?  Go read!  Make it so!

The Never-Ending Dream 2: A WD Prompt

“At an old bookstore, you find a book that helps you interpret your dreams. But something is strange about it. You fall asleep reading the book, and find yourself in a dream that you cannot wake up from. What is it? And how will you snap back to reality?”
-Writer’s Digest Creative Writing Prompt: The Never-Ending Dream

And this one is a paraphrased passage from my Worldtree series!

My response:

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